This Saturday our favorite artists met 27 years... I encourage her to have a happy day, eat so many cakes... and have many successes this year!!. Congratulations Tanja!!
In the Restaurant Chicago 1933 acts on 19th June the band Swingers with the pretty voice of Tanja in front of the band. You can not lost this performance!!!
Our artist Tanja will have an intense summer tour with "Suveõhtu romantika" For the career work of teacher Olav Ehala, contribution and coinciding with the anniversary, this summer, together is Tanja and concerts will be in the following:
Tonight (19 h) the two sexiest artists of the year in Estonia, Uku and Tanja, will perform in the contest "Tallinna Uue Linna Päevad 2010 (TULP)" playing romantic songs of the summer. Do not lost this event!
The famous Russian film classic "Briljantkäsi" carried out in festive theme on Friday, waiting for all of Russian music fans at the restaurant Chicago 1933 with Tanja. Balalaika, dance, drama and DJ-numbers program for life-giving both the Council and the famous movie comedy, offering a wealth of belonging to the best of Russian pop music hits.