Last news!!
From August already Sunday Mood's is to the sale new album "Something More" that includes the superhit "Take me"!!
Here you have the link of the Swedish record company CDON.com where it is possible to buy the CD for Internet
Also in the shop of discs of Estonia CD MARKEThttp://www.cdmarket.eu/eu/shop/cdaudio/detail/1617285/Sunday_Mood-Something_More
The single "Take me" of Sunday mood is reaching a great hearing in the radios of Estonia. In the list top of "radio skyplus" the position has reached 15 and goes several weeks fighting for the first places.
Comments on us Alex de Sunday Mood:
"Tanja will come to Stockholm the 24 august and we have some acoustic performances of Sunday Mood plus interviews in radio P4 where Take Me has been playlisted over 12 weeks now...and the 25 we play in Tallinn at Stereo Lounge for the release of the album in Estonia. Take me has reached #15 in Skyplus there"
It seems that for the present time everything is OK
Here you have the link of radio skyplus: