Tanja & Margus: "Another Country Song", "Põgene, vaba laps", "Isamaa ilu hoieldes".
Lenna & Artur: "Cool Vibes", "Kirilinnu laul", "Ilus oled, isamaa".
Wow!! "Another country song" has been one of my favorite songs of always. In this link of my channel you can see Tanja's action in "Nightlight duo" in the performance of the Eurolaul 2002.
In Õhtuleht magazine wanted to some proffesionals (music managers, choreographers, singing teachers, media specialists) compare Lenna & Tanja to say who have better changes to win in "Laulud Tähtedega". Lenna is a great artist and one of my favorite ones but .... my vote is for Tanja evidently!