Every project / musical / show / concert I do, I do with love and passion (TM)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Interviews to Tanja Mihhailova at magazine Õhtuleht

Day 05/11/2012 - Head-board: Tanja Mihhailova meenutab: võtsin stressi pärast 25 kilo juurde.

Summary of the news: Our artist confesses that she likes to cook, but what really it causes the overweight, is the stress.

Link: http://www.ohtuleht.ee/498572

Day 02/11/2012 - Head-board: Tanja Mihhailova: venelased on mulle öelnud, et olen reetur!

Summary of the news: Tanja admits that it was a good decision when she wanted to learn the Estonian language.

Link: http://www.ohtuleht.ee/498203

Photo by Tairo Lutter of magazine õhtuleht